The War in Our Stars: Thrawn Trilogy - The Last Command
Episode Notes
Hello there! Welcome back. This episode, we continue the adventures Luke, Han, Leia, & Lando face alongside Grand Admiral Thrawn, Talon Karrde, and Mara Jade! It's finally time to make good on all the cards Timothy has been dealing us this triogy! Will he pull it off? Of course not, not really. Nora had a good time, but nobody else did. YOU WILL KILL LUKE SKYWALKER
War! The Imperial remnant and the New Republic squabble for resources and territory, but the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of...sci-fi race science. We go on the third new adventure starring our main three heroes since Return of the Jedi and learn all about the mythical Katana Fleet, as previously mentioned in the X-Wing books.
This episode's wingmates are Dianoga 3, AKA Jackson, and Dianoga 4, AKA Autumn! You can follow Jackson on twitter at @headfallsoff and Autumn at @Autumnal_Coffee.
Next time: The Jedi Academy Trilogy begins!
The War In Our Stars is a Star Wars Expanded Universe podcast from Export Audio! Every 3 weeks or so, Nora and a co-pilot will sit down and chat about a different Star Wars Expanded Universe book. Part book club, part in-depth criticism, this is a place to really drill into what Star Wars used to be before the buyout.